
Alessandra Cianchetta: WORKS I Need More Iggy Pop (1980)

Ausschnitt aus: © Poissy Galore, Insects Museum and Observatory in a Park. AWP (2017). Photograph and copyright: Iwan Baan

Institut für Kunst und Architektur

Akademie der bildenden Künste
Augasse 2-6
1090 Wien


Alessandra Cianchetta is the leading architect and founding partner of AWP, an architecture practice based in London and New York (formerly in Paris). Cianchetta works across scales and genres – from the 160 ha strategic masterplan for the Paris CBD to buildings,  pavilions, landscapes, interiors, exhibitions and publications. Born in Italy, Cianchetta studied architecture at La Sapienza in Rome, ETSA Madrid and ETSA Barcelona, before setting up her practice in 2008. Her recent projects include Poissy Galore, a museum and observatory (pictured) which is part of a 113 hectare park on the Seine near Paris; the masterplan for Paris-La Défense, a grand-scale public realm project; an arts district in Liverpool and exhibition designs worldwide. Cianchetta has taught architecture and urban design at Cornell University, University of Virginia, Columbia University, The Berlage and The Cooper Union. Her work has been presented at venues worldwide such as MAXXI, Cité de l’Architecture, MoMA, the Storefront for Architecture & Art and has been featured in NY Times, Le Monde, PIN UP and The Guardian.

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