
ARCH+ features 88: Infrastructure Europe

Volksbühne Berlin

Linienstraße 227
10178 Berlin


In Europe, populist voices predict bank crises, national debt crises, economic crises, and refugee crises and are accompanied by the rampant circulation of media images and reductionist symbolism – promising a future based on a national past that probably never existed. What these iconographic reductions and origin fantasies fail to recognize is that Europe is comprised of a complex infrastructure, which penetrates and enables life down to the smallest everyday aspects. How can Europe’s identity be imagined outside classical symbols such as flags, hymns or monuments? Which kinds of future perspectives for Europe could this vision imply?

Entrance is free, but seats are limited: RSVP via infoberlin@vatmh.org

This event is part of the Lange Nacht der Ideen 2019 by the Federal Foreign Office and presented by Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e. V. in cooperation with Volksbühne Berlin and ARCH+. Armen Avanessian & Enemies is realized in cooperation with the Nemetschek Stiftung.

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