
Bits of Public Space - Urbanism & Landscape Architecture Week 2020

© TU Delft


Platform for Urbanism and Landscape Architecture
TU Delft
2628 BL Delft


Urbanists and landscape architects observed physical public spaces as spaces that are able to accommodate accidental meetings, reveal places’ identity, provide impulsive on the spot choices and allow human-nature interaction through wind or sunshine. However, the recent crisis unfolds the intertwining between physical public space and virtual space. This year, the UL Week will be focusing on the theme "Bits of Public Space - the shift of the planner's outlook on physical public space and virtual space."

The event will be held online via ZOOM for two days. On the first day, we try to understand the emergence of virtual space and how it is currently intertwining with physical public spaces. On the second day, we try to connect our new understanding to the practice of our professions as urban designers and landscape architects. These main questions will be addressed through lectures, workshops, movie screenings, and some trivia quizzes.

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