
Call for Submissions | WOMEN WHO DESIGN v.1

© Women who Design

Woman who Design

San Francisco Bay Area
94102 San Francisco Bay Area
Vereinigte Staaten


Rather than spotlighting the accomplishments of prominent individuals, WOMENWHODESIGN.ORG examines through storytelling the lived experience and contributions of the many. This platform asks what it means to be a woman in the broadly defined field of architecture, and through collaboration and exploration proposes how it can be different.
Why do women architects matter? How do career and human life cycles intersect, interfere and inform each other? What has been your experience as a woman in architecture? What obstacles have you overcome, or not? How are you living your vision for the future? We invite you to explore these questions and more…


We are seeking a diverse selection of work relevant to the exhibition theme that will engage visitors of all ages and life experiences. Opportunities for public interaction are highly encouraged.
A survey will be distributed to members of professional organizations and made available to the general public. Like the exhibit, this survey will focus on stories more than data, documenting critical moments in the life cycle of women architects. Entrants may propose the inclusion of survey results in their work.


This is a juried international exhibition and is open to groups or individuals at least 18 years old.* If the individual(s) is/are the sole principal(s) of a firm, the firm name must be listed as well.

*Submissions for individuals under 18 years will be considered but will need to be submitted by a parent or guardian.

Submission requirements

Please submit in PDF format 500 hundred words maximum with up to two images of your concept. Text to include a brief bio and a description of your work or event, touching on how it could illuminate some aspect of the experience of women in and around the world of architecture. Please send submissions to submissions@womenwhodesign.org
Submissions may be for completed work or may propose a work to be created for this exhibit. Work in any medium (for example, physical, digital, or performative) will be considered.
Submissions may also be proposals for an Event. These will be hosted within the gallery, to occur concurrently to the exhibit. Entrants specifically for event proposals should contact event@womenwhodesign.org to discuss further for additional information.


There is no entry fee. However, artists are responsible for costs associated with shipping, handling, and execution. Financial assistance may be available.

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