
Claiming*Spaces Conference

© Claiming*Spaces Conference

TVFA Halle

TU Wien
Erzherzog-Johann Platz 1
1040 Wien


With our international conference CLAIMING*SPACES we critique and refute dominant, patriarchal power structures in the context of architectural and spatial production, academia, research, planning and design. It is crucial to point out that these are continuously made invisible under the pretext of a self-defined 'neutrality' and 'objectivity'.

On the occasion of the Archdiploma exhibition 2019, as well as the celebration of 100 years of women's admission to study at the Technical University of Vienna, we will address the interconnections and dynamics which lead to a leaky pipeline for women in architecture and spatial planning. The further one's career advances, the less women are represented – in the vocational practice of building as well as in the academic world of universities. This is not only an issue in Austria, but particularly distinct here.
Highlighting the lack of feminist protagonists and perspectives functions as the base of the discussion. The centre of attention thereby lies not only on the hindered career chances of women, but also on recognizing and understanding structural and institutionalized oppression in its intersections.

CLAIMING*SPACES therefore deals with the following questions:

• How can mechanisms of exclusion be uncovered and deconstructed?
• How can feminist architecture/planning/research be brought into the main discourse as a productive implicitness?
• How can discriminating forms of knowledge production and historiography be questioned, newly phrased and done differently? • How can feminist vocational practices induce much needed changes in planning and building?

We, the collective of CLAIMING*SPACES, invite students, teachers, architects/urban planners and researchers to participate in discussions, lectures and workshops and conceptualize intersectional_feminist positions and tools together, to create different forms of architectural and spatial planning.

Organizers: Bottom-up collective of students, graduates and teachers of architecture and spatial planning at the TU Vienna.

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