
draw . . . . . love . . . . . build

(c) Alessandra Chemollo

M9 Museum

Via Giovanni Pascoli, 11
30171 Venezia


The exhibition covers the last 30 years of Sauerbruch Hutton’s work, and stretches across the entire upper level of the M9 – Museo del ’900, itself a flagship design by the office. It will contain over 60 architectural models and more than 100 drawings.

An accompanying programme with lectures and guided tours, held both digitally and on site, offers the opportunity to deepen the content.
As part of the exhibition, the documentary film by Harun Farocki, Sauerbruch Hutton, will be screened. The film features the work, as well as the working methods, of the studio.

An app for iPad and smartphone complements the displayed models and provides additional information with texts, drawings, photos and films.

opening on thursday 02 september at the M9 museum in venezia mestre

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