
Fala Atelier – Quarantine [LIVE LECTURE] Series by Mies.TV

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Mies. TV

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[LIVE LECTURE] by Fala Atelier/PT
on YouTube LIVE & Instagram LIVE

As the world comes to face a common challenge, people of the world are staying at home – with their personal space suddenly transforming into their office, fitness-studio and dancefloor. With the new Quarantine [LIVE LECTURE] Series, Mies. TV offers your home to become an architectural lecture hall as well. While we are all individually isolated, the potential for a new format of guest-lecture series arises, where inspiring thoughts and narratives are being communicated from the webcam of the architects to the screen of its audience.

In this season, architecture practices from around Europe will share their work in regards to architectural production beyond the building, taking a loon on how drawings can be more than just a „technical representation" of a physical space.

more on:

Fala Atelier:

hosted by Mies. TV in Vienna
stay safe, stay healthy

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