
IoA-Sliver Lectures - 2019/20 Greater Futures | WIDESHOT

© IoA

Universität für Angewandte Kunst

Institute of Architecture
Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2
1010 Wien


Hörsaal 1

Greater Futures

Almost all challenges societies around the globe face today are complex, interconnected and placed in a rapidly changing environment. The rhetoric about what is to come is swinging between utopia and dystopia, between nostalgia and techno-utopias. The only fact about the future is that it is inevitable.

The grandfathers of futurism, the Italian Futurists, showed that the future is not only a domain of time but also of ideology. Subsequently the fathers of futures studies developed principles on how to study the future. Hence, according to futures studies scholar Jim Dator: "The future cannot be 'predicted' but alternative futures can be 'forecasted' and preferred futures 'envisioned' and 'invented'- continuously." (Dator, 1996)

Yet, the world as it is has its own impact on the future and according to another futures studies scholar  Ziauddin Sardar the relevance of futures studies resides within the present. According to Sadar the value of change in people's perceptions and motivations, channeled into an evolution of present values and immediate action, can only be judged within its present or immediate future.

Looking at concepts promoting economic, political, technological and cultural innovations the lecture series gathers thoughts and approaches pertinent for the discipline of architecture, aiming for a greater world after tomorrow.


The company Wideshot was founded 2010 by Oliver Bertram and Johannes Mücke, based on the idea that the world is demanding creative services that combine architecture and design with the world of entertainment. Since then the interdisciplinary team of Wideshot has been successfully supplying these services to clients all over the world and has built a widespread portfolio from spaceships to corporate offices.


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