
Precision, Prototyping & Prefabrication | 
Don’t Tell Me It Can’t Be Done

Blaak Tower in Rotterdam. © Archi-Tectonics, 2018

ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory

Christinenstraße 18-19
10119 Berlin


On the occasion of the exhibition opening Flat Lands & Massive Things - From NL to NYC & Beyond by Archi-Tectonics / Winka Dubbeldam & Justin Korhammer, New York at Aedes Architecture Forum



Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Director, ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin


Winka Dubbeldam, Founder, Archi-Tectonics, New York

Statements by Manufacters 

Fulvio Serra, Abet Laminati, Italy

Davide Zampini, Global R&D and IP Management Head, CEMEX, Brügg, Switzerland

Panel Discussion
Winka Dubbeldam, Founder, Archi-Tectonics, New York

Justin Korhammer, Partner, Archi-Tectonics, New York

Fulvio Serra, Abet Laminati, Italy

Bostjan Vuga, Architect, Sadar+Vuga Architects, Ljubljana

Davide Zampini, Global R&D and IP Management Head, CEMEX, Brügg, Switzerland

moderated by: Almut Grüntuch-Ernst, Architect, Grüntuch-Ernst Architects, Berlin

Front-Row Peer

Nicola Leonardi, Editor in Chief, The Plan Magazine, Bologna, Italy


The lecture and discussion will give an insight into the methodology and creative cogitations of Archi-Tectonics, combining the use of latest digital technologies with philosophical approaches that made the office one of the leading teams in the field of research and innovative building design worldwide.
100 years ago, on 1 April 1919, the Bauhaus School for art, architecture, and design was established by Walter Gropius in Weimar. The Bauhaus wanted to combine crafts and the fine arts and had a profound influence upon subsequent developments in art, architecture, interior design, industrial design and graphic design.
Only early in the 21st century the strong hold on minimal design started to change. With the introduction of 3D digital design shapes softened up and more organic concepts emerged. New smart materials got introduced, that are often composites, or hybrids. Digital design also introduced a new working model for fabrication and R&D; it gave the architects a chance to team up with manufacturers directly to develop new materials, new systems. That also means testing designs through proto-typing, a much more relevant decisionmaking tool leading to more in-depth developed designs. The focus is here on the process of precise development, not on the making of re-presentation models. In short, architects model to test and improve, to IN-form the design, not to RE-present the design. The focus is on performance over form, design intelligence over style. This approach is closer to industrial design, where high precision and the search for the perfect 'fit' is an essential tool of the innovative process, always also approaching the notion of invention.

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