
Shared Cities: The Finale

© Shared Cities

Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning

Vyšehradská 51
128 00 Prag


Sharing information, knowledge, governance, space and infrastructure has become a new imperative in architectural and cultural discourse. The shift in the technological advances of our time, boosted by the complex and interconnected condition of the globalized world redefines the way we inhabit our cities. Even if we can have many critical remarks, sharing makes innovative solutions possible by utilizing the creative potential of citizens, communities, activists, artists, cultural actors, social scientists and their networks, supported by ubiquitous mobile computing and social media. This approach activates a “Creative Momentum” that increases the quality of life in European cities.

The launch of The Atlas, the premiere of The Performance and The Videos and an international Panel discussion will strive to awaken people’s curiosity, inspire their own activity, sparkle a critical discussion about the topic of sharing in cities – and overall will let the visitors-participants taste carefully curated aspects of sharing.

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