
Transforming Practice | Symposium

© IKA, Transforming Practice Symposium

Institut für Kunst und Architektur

Akademie der bildenden Künste
Augasse 2-6
1090 Wien


Aula – Kern A – 1. OG

long live architects - architects are dead

two days of lectures and workshops organised by students of the Institute for Art and Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


29.03.2019, Friday
+ panel discussions
+ get together
(+ sign up for workshops until 17:00)
dpr Barcelona
TXKL Paris + New South
Guerilla Architects Berlin
Gabu Heindl
+ …

30.03.2019, Saturday
from 10:00 a.m. workshops
+ 17:00 happening
store cic
Predrag Milic

Many students of architecture have seemingly become disillusioned with the notion of being an architect. The classical idea of working in hierarchical office–based practices, continually submitting applications to competitions, and having a career largely de ned from graduation, has somewhat lost its appeal to many young architects of today. This comes at a time, though, when these traditional processes are being challenged, subverted and abandoned for alternatives, internationally and in multiple ways. As we depart from the traditional notion of what architects can create, how they work, with whom they collaborate and what function their way work has, we invite an eclectic range of speakers to discuss their practice and philosophy. In order to deconstruct the architect, architectural education must also be deconstructed, and so, alongside lectures and keynotes, the programme will include workshops and seminars to discuss different approaches addressing the question: What is an architect today?

Everybody who is interested can attend – free of charge!

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