
Angewandte Festivals | Dialogues for Tomorrow

©: Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

Auditorium der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7
1030 Wien


In the series 'Dialogues for Tomorrow', the University of Applied Arts Vienna invites artists and scientists to outline their respective views of tomorrow in the run-up to the Angewandte Festival. In times of upheaval and crisis, the need for critical reflection on current social conditions is particularly pertinent, as it forms the foundation for innovative and transformative processes. Starting from the current major challenges, we will conduct discussions on the future of education, science, art, design and architecture, as well as on work and politics.

Wolf D. Prix in conversation with Gerald Bast
Wed, 20.5., 15:00

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