
ARCH+ feat. Immunsystem Berlin

© ARCH+ feat. Immunsystem Berlin

ARCH+ Space

Friedrichstraße 23 A
U-Bahn Kochstraße
10969 Berlin


Live stream from the rooftop above the ARCH+ Space

ARCH+ is featuring Immunsystem Berlin with a live gig from the rooftop above the ARCH+ space in Berlin. Join us from wherever you are for a moment of togetherness. 
Immunsystem Berlin is a social vaccine against the cultural and economic consequences of the corona pandemic. In addition to very pragmatic support in the form of collected information on financial support measures, Immunsystem Berlin is a solidarity platform for all freelance creatives, whether musicians, designers, photographers, tape artists or DJs as well as all other solo self-employed. A regular music live stream in varying off-locations creates moments of virtual social interactions. We have not disappeared! Berlin's creative scene teams up and forms antibodies!

Line-Up u.a.
Jana Falcon
Tiefschwarz (Official)

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