
Architectural Notation and Human Rights Advocacy' | Nina Valerie Kolowratnik

© Verein für zeitgenössische Architektur 2020


Weyringergasse 27/i
1040 Wien


Saturday 15:00 - 18:00
and by appointment

In the framework of the exhibition 'passport: blood, borders and belonging' by feminist architecture collaborative at MAGAZIN we have invited Nina Valerie Kolowratnik to give a lecture.

Within her lecture Kolowratnik will present three of her recent research projects focusing on their use of architectural notational systems as advocacy tools in specific legal and human rights debates. Projects presented center on indigenous knowledge as legal evidence within the Jemez Pueblo land claim (New Mexico, U.S.), the impact of surveillance infrastructure on cross-border and traditional life of the Tohono O’odham Nation (Arizona, U.S.) and questions of property restitution upon return in Kosovo. 

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