
Cartography of Memory

© Cartography of Memory


Große Neugasse 44
1040 Wien



Opening: Saturday, October 10, 7 pm

Cartography of Memory
Igor Blomberg Tranaeus, Nadine Byrne, Lap-See Lam, Fatima Moallim and Afrang Nordlöf Malekian
Curated by Johanna Thorell

No map can be a perfect depiction of reality. It gains its power and utility from selection, miniaturization, and symbolization. Every single feature of the map reflects the cartographer’s careful decisions. Rather than a representation equal to reality, the map proclaims a biased worldview, modeled after a certain agenda. Similarly, memory alters the images of the past by procedures of abstraction, construction, distortion, and omission. Just as maps, memories are non-linear narratives fabricated out of scattered fragments, where fiction and documentary blend.

The exhibition opens in context of Independent Space Index

The exhibition was realized with the kind support from the Swedish Embassy in Vienna, the Federal Chancellery of Austria, the Department of Culture of the City of Vienna and the District Representation of the 4th district of Vienna, Wieden.

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