
Future Architecture Creative Exchange 2020

© Future Architecture Platform

MAO - Museum of Architecture and Design

Rusjanov trg 7
1000 Ljubljana


Di - So 10:00 - 18:00

The two-day event at the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana represents the central gathering of the Future Architecture platform. The conference with 25 selected Future Architecture 2020 Call for Ideas applicants and invited guests is one of the most insightful annual gatherings around European architecture and showcases ideas and trends for the future development of the profession.

The Focus Talks feature invited guests, keynote speakers who run well-established practices today but develop them in a constant search for alternative architectural tools and strategies. The guests of the Focus Talks in 2020 will be Mariana Pestana, architect and curator of the 2020 Istanbul Design Biennial, Marina Otero Verzier, architect and director of research at the Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam,  Léa-Catherine Szacka, an architect, historian and critic, author of Biennials / Triennials Conversations on the Geography of Itinerant Display and Thomas Geisler, design curator and cultural producer, curator of the 26th Biennial of Design, BIO 26 – Common Knowledge.

Running in parallel, the Future Architecture Fair will provide a forum for architects and architecture offices, institutions, producers, curators, and other professionals. For more information about possible engagement please contact: info@futurearchitectureplatform.org

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