
Galerie VI PER | Open Call

© vipergallery


Vítkova 2
186 00 Prag

Mi - Fr 13:00 - 19:00
Sa 14:00 - 18:00

VI PER Gallery announces an international open call for exhibition projects. The winning proposal will be realized at VI PER in late 2021.

The call is opened for architects, artists, designers, researchers, curators, critics (induviduals or teams) of any nationality and country of residence. Submitted projects may fall into a wide range of genres – associated with architecture, art, design, and other disciplines – and should reflect on the relevance of architecture to respond to contemporary issues and discourse. We welcome original projects that demonstrate new and innovative ideas, critical and experimental approach, and independent thinking.

The applicant should be capable of conducting research and developing an original vision and coherent curatorial narrative as well as an integrated curatorial and exhibition design proposal. The projects should clearly describe their goals, timeframe, budget, etc. The jury will consider proposals that explore a variety of design and urban-related topics.

The projects may react to the context of the exhibition space by their installation. With regard to the exhibition space dimensions, we recommend to submit projects for thematic exhibitions or works by a smaller number of participants. Proposals will be reviewed by the international jury.

The applications must be submitted electronically by February 14, 2021, to the email address info@vipergallery.org. In “Subject” of your email, please indicate “Applicantʼs name_Title_VI PER Gallery_Call 2021” (e.g. Peter Nelson_Architecture_VI PER Gallery_Call 2021).

The jury will select one winning project. The results will be available in March 2021.

The winner will consequently closely cooperate with VI PER Gallery staff to develop further the content, format, and related program. The exhibition will be held at VI PER Gallery at the end of 2021.

For more info visit our website.

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