
Iheartblob Augmented Architectural Objects / Book launch


Universität für Angewandte Kunst

Institute of Architecture
Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2
1010 Wien

- Uhr

Book presentation as part of the Angewandte Festival with Aleksandra Belitskaja, Ben James, Shaun McCallum (all IoA Alumni from Studio Greg Lynn) hosted by the IoA/Institute of Architecture.

iheartblob will host a virtual hangout where visitors can control avatars to move through a digital exhibition space with content derived from the publication.

Fragments of the publication (text, images and objects) scatter the digital space like easter eggs to discover hidden features and content.

The authors alongside curators from MAGAZIN gallery in Vienna will be present to discuss the publication, answer questions or the visitors can simply explore the space and publication themselves.

Join the interactive VR space here: https://www.iheartblob.com/a-new-visual-language/

We will give away 5 free books through the iheartblob instagram account (www.instagram.com/iheartblob for details) and to the first 5 interested people at the bust of Oskar Kokoschka at 5pm at the Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna!

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