
Intelligent Urban Planning | Singapore Story

©: TU Graz - Institut für Städtebau

TU Graz

Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz



Online-Vortrag mit anschließender Diskussion

Dr Liu Thai-Ker is the Founding Chairman of Morrow Architects & Planners Pte Ltd., providing architecture, urban design and urban planning services. He was the Senior Director of RSP Architects, Planners & Engineers Pte Ltd. (1992-2017), CEO and Chief Architect of the Housing and Development Board (1969-1989), CEO and Chief Planner of the Urban Redevelopment Authority (1989-1992) and Founding Chairman of the Centre for Liveable Cities (2008-July 2020). He is often credited for implementing the successful public housing programme and urbanization of Singapore. For these reasons, since he left the Singapore civil service, he has been invited to plan over 50 cities and many major architectural projects in countries such as China, Russia, Fiji, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Myanmar and Vietnam. Among his various international awards, he has also received The ingapore National Day Award – The Distinguished Service Order, The Singapore Design Council – Golden Jubilee Award and The Singapore Institute of Planners Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award. 25 years after the British government left Singapore in 1960, the city basically became a modern city by 1985. This transformation was achieved largely due to very well thought out government policies and a systematic urban planning approach. In other words, Singapore’s urban development story was carried out intelligently. This talk is intended to share Dr. Liu Thai-Ker’s experience with the audience.

Ort: Virtueller Lehrraum (Link folgt nach Anmeldung)
Voranmeldung m.haselbacher-berner@tugraz.at
Veranstalter: TU Graz, Insititut für Städtebau

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