
Jane’s Walk NYC 2020 (from Home!)


The Municipal Art society of New York

488 Madison Ave, Suite 1900
10022 New York
Vereinigte Staaten


Celebrating Jane Jacobs and New York City

Since 2011, the Municipal Art Society has been proud to host Jane’s Walk NYC, a festival of volunteer-led “walking conversations” inspired by urban activist Jane Jacobs. Across nearly ten years and thousands of walks, we’ve taken to the streets with you on the first weekend in May to herald the spring, celebrate Jane Jacobs, and explore the city she loved so much. It is, truly, our favorite weekend of the year.

This year, of course, much has changed, and quicker than anyone could have imagined. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to bear down on our city, the best way for many of us to help is to simply stay home—creating space for the essential workers serving on the frontlines, from emergency rooms to bodegas, in a monumental effort to keep New York strong.

The very act of gathering together that was once central to the Jane’s Walk experience must be reimagined. But the spirit of Jane’s Walk was always about more than that. Our love for New York, our connections to our neighbors and neighborhoods, and our faith in Jane Jacobs’ model of local activism has never been greater.

And so we are delighted to announce Jane’s Walk NYC (from Home), a reimagining of the festival that we hope brings the same joy and inspiration you’ve come to expect from this annual celebration.

Each morning beginning Monday, April 27, and running through Sunday, May 3, we will announce a new daily activity that allows New Yorkers to connect virtually to celebrate and pay tribute to the magic of everyday life in New York—all the places, people, and encounters that we cherish more than ever in these difficult times.

Check this website each morning at 9:00 AM and follow MAS on our social media networks listed below to be the first to hear what we’re up to that day!




And follow #JanesWalkNYC to see even more activities from our partner organizations.

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