
Kosovo Architecture Festival: The Parallel City

© Kosovo Architecture Festival

Kosovo Architecture Foundation

Hakif Zejnullahu S11 1/4 Ulpiana
10000 Kosovo


Kosovo Architecture Festival is organized by the Kosovo Architecture Foundation in partnership with the Future Architecture Platform. KAF is an annual event and its main objective is to present to the local architecture community and the general public the contemporary global theories and methodologies in the field of architecture and urban planning.

Kosovo Architecture Festival is the largest event of its kind in Kosovo with more than 40 individual activities in numerous cities in the country. This year the events will be held from the 1st of July till the 1st of October.

As in past editions, Kosovo Architecture Festival will be organizing lectures, workshops, interventions, open studios, open houses, debates, exhibitions and tours in all major cities in Kosovo, with site-specific activities catering to the local architecture, design and planning communities and other interest groups. The events and local as well as renowned guests from all over the world will elaborate on the most burning issues of contemporary architecture related to energy, materials, recycling, deconstructing, cities, new models and citizens.

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