
LIVE Screening +Q&A | Phineas Harper, Space Popular & iheartblob

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LIVE Screening + LIVE Q&A with Space Popular & iheartblob

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This episode features Phineas Harper, now the director of Open City, chief curator of the 2019 Oslo Triennale and deputy director of the Architecture Foundation in London, about the Architecture of Degrowth, architectural education and needed change within the profession.

Space Popular, formed by Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg, about the immersive internet and how they set up a new form of practice. We explored the challenges that young professionals face within architecture.

iheartblob, a trio consisting of Aleksandra Belitskaja, Ben James and Shaun McCallum, about their explorative work into 3D modelling and extended reality. We discussed how they juggled their side project with university deadlines and the future of how we interact with the city around us through augmented reality.

Interviews conducted by: Matt McCallum, Iga Świercz

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