
Livestream Exhibition Tour with Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Snøhetta

© Snøhetta | © Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk

Aedes Architekturforum

Christinenstraße 18-19
10119 Berlin

- Uhr

Di-Fr 11-18.30 Uhr
So-Mo 13-17 Uhr

Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Architect and Co-Founder of Snøhetta, will guide through the exhibition Arctic Nordic Alpine – In Dialogue With Landscape providing exclusive background information on the projects shown. Instagram followers can send questions, which he will answer directly in the livestream. The exhibition at Aedes Architecture Forum is open until 20 August.

Instagram: @aedesberlin

About the exhibition
Arctic Nordic Alpine is dedicated to contemporary architecture in vulnerable landscapes, focussing on the influence interventions could have on regions with extreme climatic conditions. The exhibition catalogue presents pioneering projects by the internationally renowned architecture and design firm Snøhetta, including the Museum Quarter in Bolzano, the energy-efficient Hotel Svart in Svartisen and the Arctic World Archive Visitor Center in Svalbard Island. These buildings illustrate that architecture can promote a more sustainable use of nature with innovative strategies and solutions – in dialogue with landscape.

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