
Nachhaltige urbane Strategien| Rotterdam

©: guiding architects


Weseler Straße 401
48163 Münster


Water Management and Climate Adaptation in Rotterdam

Due to its location in the delta of the river Rhine, Rotterdam is often referred to as Delta Metropolis. As impressive as that may sound, it also entails some challenges. What to do with increasing precipitation in a city that lies largely below sea level, and where water comes from all directions: from the sea, the river, the ground and the sky? The most popular keyword at the moment is multicoding. This results in projects such as a public square that also serves as rainwater retention facility, or a vegetable field on the roof of an office block. On this virtual tour you’ll experience several bottom-up initiatives for climate change mitigation and rainwater retention, highlighting experimental approaches to spatial challenges.

Veranstalter guiding architects

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