
Partial screening of the film (How) Will We Live (Together)?

Biennale Architettura 2020: How will we live together?

Ca’ Giustinian

Calle Ridotto, 1364A
30100 Venedig

- Uhr

Partial screening of the film (How) Will We Live (Together)? The project, presented by SENSORY ETHNOGRAPHY LABORATORY (S.E.L.) – Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor – at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, consists of an audio-visual architectural installation that addresses this year’s theme of the Biennale Architettura How will we live together? through the voices of intellectuals, activists and artists. The ecological, climate and political crisis afflicting the contemporary world is the starting point to imagine how we might live and die together, both peacefully and violently, among ourselves and with other species. The screening of the video project will be followed by a discussion between the curator Hashim Sarkis and the philosopher Emanuele Coccia.

Sala delle Colonne, Ca’ Giustinian (San Marco 1364/a)

live streamed on www.labiennale.org

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