
'Planning and Building Methods' | Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop

© Verein für zeitgenössische Architektur 2020


Weyringergasse 27/i
1040 Wien


Saturday 15:00 - 18:00
and by appointment

For the finissage of the exhibition 'Weak Potentials' by Jakob Sellaoui at MAGAZIN we have invited Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop from Budapest to give a lecture.

The lecture will focus on their interest in the connections between planning and building, architect and builder by looking at how the physical involvement in the realization of their projects influences their design methods. 

Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop is a Budapest based architecture office, which besides the planning always tries to make experiments in small case projects. One of the biggest motivations for them is the understanding of the contemporary vernacular architecture. And they are continuously looking for situations, where comfort meets real human needs. 

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