
Point Supreme (GR) – Quarantine [LIVE Lecture] Series

© Mies. TV

Mies. TV

YouTube LIVE
1010 Wien


[LIVE] Architecture lecture by Point Supreme (GR)

YouTube LIVE – www.youtube.com/miestvcom
Facebook LIVE – www.facebook.com/miestvcom
Instagram LIVE – www.instagram.com/miestvcom

Creations Beyond the Built
In this [LIVE LECTURE] series, architecture practices from around the world will share their work in regards to architectural production beyond the building, taking a look on how drawings and imagery can be more than just a „technical representation" of a physical space.

As the world comes to face a common challenge, people of the world are staying at home – with their personal space suddenly transforming into their office, fitness-studio and dancefloor. With the new Quarantine [LIVE LECTURE] Series, Mies. TV offers your home to become an architectural lecture hall as well. While we are all individually isolated, the potential for a new format of guest-lecture series arises, where inspiring thoughts and narratives are being communicated from the webcam of the architects to the screen of its audience.

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Point Supreme:

hosted by Mies. TV in Vienna
stay safe, stay healthy

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