
Recovery Spaces | How Architecture Creates a Better Living

© ZRS Architekten

ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory

Christinenstraße 18-19
10119 Berlin

- Uhr

In many regions of the world, individuals, ethnic groups and entire societies are continuously exposed to disasters. Natural catastrophes, wars, epidemics, political repression and the resulting displacement, but also marginalisation and neglect cause deep physical and psychological traumas.

The symposium will examine the questions, what positive influence can the design of spaces and surroundings have on the recovery process of the people and societies affected and, in general, what can space-making contribute to a better and healthier living environment around the world? The dialogue and networking event will be accompanied by a presentation of the Healing Garden project in Chamchamal by Jiyan Foundation, ZRS Architekten Ingenieure, TU Berlin and BU Weimar.

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