
Sophistication Conference


ATTP Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie

Wiedner Hauptstraße 7/2
1040 Wien


How can we find a novel understanding of human intellectuality in co-existence with artificial intelligence? The Sophistication Conferences are dedicated to a basic kind of literacy in how to think about coding in the terms of a geometry of spectra and communication. At the core of such a literacy is a different relationality of time, nature, subject, and object. Our interest is in a philosophy of the transcendental objective, at whose core resides the question of "how to embrace what presents itself as an obstacle" rather than how to make it "go away". We see in such a "digital gnomonics" a powerful framework for addressing computational modeling, machine learning and algorithmic reasoning in a manner that does not stage an antagonistic competition between human and artificial intelligence.

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