

© University of Applied Arts Vienna

Universität für Angewandte Kunst

Institute of Architecture
Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2
1010 Wien



Edited by Baerbel Mueller, Frida Robles, and the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Published by Birkhäuser Basel, in Die Angewandte’s book series Edition Angewandte 

Join us for an online discussion on notions of human displacement and its spatial implications with architect and scholar Andrew Herscher, together with the book editors and contributors: Stefanie Theuretzbacher, Franz Sam, Stavros Papastavrou, Gerald Reyes, Benoit Wuatelet, Ashqi Ahmed, Zeyad Khalaf Hussein, Kieran Fraser, Jana Forsthuber, Ilias Klis, Mina Bassam Al-Hayawi, Alejandra Loreto, Chien-hua Huang, Jonathan Paljor, Isin Onol, Barbara Putz Plecko, Gerald Bast,  Romola Sanyal, Alessandro Petti (DAAR), Mario Rizzi, and graphic designer Shirin Omran. 

Moderated by Frida Robles.

A book by [applied] Foreign Affairs.
The book Structures of Displacement refers to a joint project between [a]FA at the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for the conception and design of the Agricultural Training Center in Harsham Camp in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan (2016-2019), a contribution to the overall UN brief of "integrated stabilization, economic recovery and reconstruction support for displaced persons and returnees". As part of the project, [a]FA mapped the Harsham camp in order to identify economic networks, habitats, and individual stories. Structures of Displacement was also organized as an exhibition and symposium that took place in October 2019 at the Angewandte.

Team: Baerbel Mueller, Frida Robles, Shirin Omran, Roswitha Janowski-Fritsch

via Zoom and YouTube


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