
Stuart Veech | Form follows Media

© FH Vorarlberg

FH Vorarlberg

Hochschulstraße 1
6850 Dornbirn


Fachhochschule Aula

The main focus of the presentation will focus upon analyzing the synergetic relationship between media and architecture at its impact on tomorrow´s world.

The starting point is to reflect upon the key modernists who embraced a cross-disciplinary approach which developed during the Russian Avantgarde, Futurism, Dada, and Bauhaus and exploded during the 1960´s with a second wave of modernism spread globally. The fusion between multiple disciplines lead to a more universal design approach linking artists, poets, architects, designers and technicians together to create far reaching visions for the future.

Noted theorists and practitioners, such as, Lissitzky/Melnikov/Rodchenko/Leonidov, Bucky Fuller, Charles Eames, Archigram have laid the foundation for collaborative interaction which explored various forms of communication and challenging the cities of tomorrow. The rapid onslaught of technological developments since the introduction of the internet Information Age require a more formidable interdisciplinary approach in order to re-structure and re-think future technologies in our built environment. The architecture of tomorrow will be a more fluid hybrid synthesis between analogue / digital and real / virtual environments integrating mobility, media and advanced material technologies all integrated by networked technologies blurring the boundaries that currently exist.

What will result will be new performative characteristics, such as, Augmented Functionality; Choreographed Efficiency; and Engineered Experience which open up new possibilities to integrate, enhance and protect our global environment.

Stuart Veech is managing partner and creative director of Austrian architecture firm Veech x Veech, which he founded together with his wife, architect Mascha Veech-Kosmatschof, in 1993. The company’s realized projects include numerous TV studios for the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation), Al Jazeera’s international broadcasting center in London and headquarters in Doha, Red Bull Media House, and projects for exhibition and interactive spaces. Interestingly, the firm founded by Stuart and Mascha was initially called Veech Media Architecture, and although this was later altered to something more resonant, the architects’ main field of specialization remains unchanged: they work on the boundary between media technology, design, and architecture, creating controllable hybrid spaces in which reality and virtual reality harmoniously co-exist. Currently VXV is integrating both the architectural and media expertise on larger scale global projects which will later become a universal discipline.

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