
The Cabinet of Curiosities

©: Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

Universität für Angewandte Kunst

Institute of Architecture
Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2
1010 Wien

- Uhr

The Cabinet of Curiosities is a virtual environment exhibiting work developed by the Institute of Architecture.
Curated as sets of three-dimensional atmospheric spaces the cabinet gathers architectural representations of various formats, produced during the academic year. Visitors are welcome to explore the cabinet and interact with the material in their own manner.
The Cabinet of Curiosities is a collaborative project of the IoA with the Vienna based media company Ovos. Its first stage will be made accessible at the Angewandte Festival
Concept: Martin Murero, Maja Ozvaldic, Bence Pap, Kaiho Yu (Studio Greg Lynn); Coordination: Astrid Trinkbauer

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