
UCLA Virtual Lecture: Tei Carpenter

© Tei Carpenter Testbed Competition Winner, New Mexico


Architecture and Urban Design
90095 Los Angeles
Vereinigte Staaten

- Uhr

We look forward to welcoming Tei Carpenter, Founder of Agency—Agency, on Wednesday, May 20, 2020.

Tei Carpenter, Associate AIA, is an architectural designer, educator and founder of Agency—Agency. She is Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation where she directs the Waste Initiative, an applied research and design platform.

Carpenter’s design and research work has been supported by a number of international organizations including the New York State Council on the Arts and BMW Mini. Recent design work and writing have appeared in Architect Magazine, The Avery Review, Fast Company, and Urban Omnibus. Previously she has taught at Brown University, Cornell University and at Rice University as the Wortham Visiting Lecturer. Carpenter earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from Brown University and her Master of Architecture degree from Princeton University where she was awarded the Howard Crosby Butler Traveling Fellowship in Architecture.


All virtual lectures will take place at 12 PM PST. Please complete the registration process for the access link.

Questions? Email info@aud.ucla.edu.

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